Apart from being jet lagged and with a newly discovered love for eggs and good food in general, I had been living in a pretty nice shade of coolness and easiness these past few days. And then I remembered it would be good to transfer my photos to my computer. It´s okay. I love my never-let-me-down HP. But it had to be recharged. And the recharger is a three pin nightmare. And my adapter was nowhere to be found after the unautorized clean up someone did in my room. So I had to dig up some wires from the back of my desk and fish out an adapter. Mood levels getting to annoyance.
Then I had to find my celphone cable; not to worry, it was one of the few things I actually paid attention while packing. Carefully transfered the files minding the wanting-to-freeze windows. Safely Remove Hardware. Error: Hardware still in use. Huh. We can do it the hard way or the easy way. Safely Remove Hardware. Error: Hardware still in use. Hard way it is. Just plug the damn thing off fingers crossed.
Next: camera card. It´s a micro sd card, so I´ve got to find the adapter. More jungling things around in my now back to normal desk. Hooray. Plug it. Copy it. Safely remove it. Done. Throw all wires and plugs and adapters in to the Mess Box.
Ugh. I need coffee.