terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2009

My dog

I have a dog. A very cute, little and furry dog. I tend to neglect her according to every dog person I know, but so would you if later you had to disinfect your clothes, arms, hands and anything that might have touched the poor thing or your parents would flip with your lack of hygiene.

I occasionally do go play with her and she´s got a very soothing effect. But one thing that amuses me is that every single day, in the middle of the afternoon, she just stops running and sniffing and lies on her back on the sunny backyard. And you can only see her breathing, eyes closed, for about half or a full hour, if there´s no bird around. It´s the picture of occium. I love it.

So maybe sometime I´ll join her.

On bitterness

You know those people whose natural expression is just bitter? When they aren´t talking, listening or doing anything really, they just look like everything and everyone suck.

Bitterness is very noticeable due to the corners of the lips, that actually bend down, and the eyes that seem capable of burning.

I always hated the bitter face.

It just makes me mad.

But recently I´ve found that I´ve produced such face in more than one occasion. And that´s just plain scary.

How do I get rid of bitterness?

quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2009


Eu não tenho nada eticamente contra a pirataria, a razão por trás do não comprar cds piratas e não baixar músicas na internet não é a minha moral incorrompível, é o medo dos vírus e um tanto de submissão a leis nacionais. Mas uma coisa que me irrita são as propagandas anti-pirataria. Corrija-me se estou errada, mas ver como comprar dvd pirata deu o exemplo errado para o filhinho da família margarina não altera a minha visão da coisa toda. E essas propagandas não aparecem só na tv, estão no começo de quase todos os dvds com encarte em português. E são daquelas que não dá para adiantar ou ir para o menu. Delícia. E o pior de tudo é que são, de fato, dvds originais, pagos com o meu suado – nem tanto – dinheiro. Estou recebendo sermão por não fazer o condenável. Que útil.

quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2009


I admit, I´m lazy. Lately I have been worse than lazy, and for those of you whose book have been in my possession for longer than judged necessary, I´m sorry. If it´s any consolation I do feel guilty as hell, and if you know me you´ll know what guilt does to me.
But not only have I been lazy, I´ve also been DELUSIONAL. I´ve got, literally, a pile of books to read - some were lent, some are for school, some are books that I thought I was finally keen on reading (read: out of mum´s shelf) - and yet I went to the bookstore, just to take a look while waiting for Grandma to show up, and I couldn´t help myself. I found another book. Actually three other books, but since I´m on quite low budget, only one is now quietly resting on my nightstand, along with its fellow siblings.

My apologies, I´m sure you´re all great stories.